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Old 24th November 2003, 10:09 PM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Here is a usefull tool for those into framing their own markets which does not cost much.
It is called Bet Master from

You can frame a market using wt. ratings as per TABQ or speed ratings out of the Wizard race paper.
win or place percentages , tipping poll from the Wizard etc .
You can adjust the percentages accordingly taken from the pre post market.

One way it can be used is to load the top 6 in the pre post prices from any newspaper.
You then adjust the percentage to 90%,then bet the overs.
We are assuming the top 6 pre post win 75% of the time plus we add the approx 15% TAB take out=90%

Check it out .
Best to use it on races where the TAB fav is paying $3.60+ at jump time.

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