Thread: Test System
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Old 14th July 2009, 01:56 PM
michaelg michaelg is offline
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Mark, I'm sure if I really wanted to get around it would not be too diffucult as I'm sure other people have done/are doing it. By using a family member would explain the same IP address. But this would only be a ploy to deceive, even though in some people's opinions that under the circumstances it would be justified.

And if I was to successfully do it but somehow later exposed then that would be the end of me on Betfair.

In their second email they are aware of bots and told me if I was using one that it would have to be programmed for the minimum bet of $5. You are right about the many wrongdoers - quite a few of my $5 lay bets are being partially matched for only a few cents at a time.
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