16th July 2009, 12:55 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,012
Originally Posted by Benny
Here's the rules to a system that I came up with
Rule 1 Last Start Winner
Rule 2 Must have won at the track and distance
Rule 3 Last start no more than 21 days
Rule 4 30%+ strike rate
Rule 5 Barrier 1 to 7
Rule 6 Saturday Metro only
This system won't throw up many selections.
Also..... if we slightly modify 3 rules delete 2 and add 3 new rules (2 of which are below  ) we can get
Win S/R 37%
Plc S/R 62%
Av. Win Div $5.15
Av. Plc Div $1.93
Win POT 90.7%
Plc POT 20.1%
.......Giddy Up..... !!