16th July 2009, 10:26 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 94
This is what I know:
1. The ability to put up with being bored !@#$less while waiting out 3 races for the next selected race, after the first one lost. Don't go near the bookies until your next pick is about to race.
2. Not having any friends nearby while you "at work". I tried it once: to bring somebody in. It was a disaster. We used my tips and we got out in the second last of the day and won only a small amount. He was both bored and also freaked out when finally our selection won in our last bet. We wondered about Caulfield most of the day just waiting. He asked me how I did it every week. He had a point. I never took anyone again after that.
3. The ability to soldier on and accumulate gradual winnings, getting bored with the whole process, but still going on.
4. Training yourself not to get too excited with a win so that when you lose you don't go on a roller coaster. Both emotions can eventually destroy betting plans.
5. The ability to wait over a week before you get a win: Say you have 6 bets in a week. They all lose. You got a week to think about that. How do you cope and stay on the plan?
5. Realizing its not the fun you thought it would be, but continuing.
I had a winning streak for about a year. About 3 bad losing days. I have already outlined the system elswhere here.