18th July 2009, 08:40 AM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,012
Originally Posted by crash
So we put our money in now Stix ...and lose it [as these back-fitted system do with monotonous regularity].
The only thing going for these huge and expensive stats. data programs is that the person selling them is making a profit [if they could make a profit out of the stats. their selling, they wouldn't be reduced to selling them in the first place. Punting 101 I think as their not selling them out of the goodness of their hearts because they have hit on making big profits from past stats.]!
1. So we put our money in now Stix ...and lose it [as these back-fitted system do with monotonous regularity].
No idea Crash. Again you've taken your obvious dislike for databases, stats and backfitted system and posted a negative attitude to what was posted as a bit of fun. At no time did I say put money on them, I said I'd run a thread for a bit of fun and even stated I back fit the be-jeezers out of stats to "make up" a system.......like I said I don;\'t do crosswords or Suduko....it's a hobby champ.
I don't preach oneway or the other or dennonuce others methods/processes or activitie as reguarly and as actively as you.
2. The only thing going for these huge and expensive stats. data programs is that the person selling them is making a profit [if they could make a profit out of the stats. their selling, they wouldn't be reduced to selling them in the first place. Punting 101 I think as their not selling them out of the goodness of their hearts because they have hit on making big profits from past stats.]!
Your opinion.
I don't sell or work for anyone who sells software or databases. I post some stats for entertainment purposes. if you don't like it, ignore it.
It's posted without prejudice, which I can't say the same thing about your offerings.
Take it for what it's worth.....and in your opinion not much ! So take it easy and not worry about it...
.......Giddy Up..... !!