Thread: System Test
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Old 18th July 2009, 09:09 AM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104
Thumbs down

My posts were also just a bit of fun too Stix. If I really wanted to put something down I wouldn't be so blatantly obvious! Please stop being the judge and jury around here Stix: Spell corrector, Sincere/not sincere, funny/not funny etc. and at no time did I mention you or anyone else as a stats. seller [If you are, it's news to me].

'Move on" ??? Who, me or you?

Just stick to your own points about racing and stop playing the man Stix [mainly me I've noticed]. The thread here is about 'systems', not 'Crash', so everyone is entitled to an opinion on the subject without it having to fit or pass your approval [and it's not even your thread either].

I don't need your running commentary about my posts nor me as a person. Your not a moderator OK?
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