28th July 2009, 12:34 AM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,435
mmmmm, well, I can only comment on the basis of my own POT which seems to have stabalised at 4% on T/O AND I would be the first to say that even though that is the situtaion over 5 years, there is no guarantee that it will always be the same???? I have achieved this after more than 30 years of investing!
But stil on that basis, say you need $1000 a week to "SURVIVE" so you need to be turning over $25,000 AWEEK. So obviouisly now you are down to the average no of bets per week???? YES? if it's 25 then you are at $1000 EACH BET????? x 25 times a week.
Does professional punting seem to be taking on a different tack?????????