4th August 2009, 11:31 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Tasmania
Posts: 383
Originally Posted by Reckless
I did hear in one of the media channels that the EPO was not detected as a part of pre- or post- race testing. Rather it was detected during samples taken from spot testing during a stable visit.
Since identities and the horses involved have not been revealed - it will be interesting to see the outcome. What happens - for example - if the horses involved were unraced or spelling ?.
The trainer's name has been revealed in some media. Interesting to note that the chief steward Terry Bailey has said that the secret to the success of the new testing kit was in the timing. I take that to mean that it is no good waiting until the horses are presented at the races. I understand that many more horses have been tested at other training establishments. Follow story here.