15th August 2009, 03:47 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,420
OK this is the acid test! take a good sample of bets,
, say youre betting 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc etc (or whatever)add up what your TOTAL stakes were over that test run, then look at your points profit, eg say your total bets are 1000 points and you have 100 points profit, so you have 10% Profit on Turnover.
Now take the total stakes again i.e.1000, and divide by the number of selections, ............say there is 200 = 5, now work out what your returns would have been had you placed 5 points level stakes instead.
I'll bet my bottom dollar that the profit on turnover will be same i.e. 10% or close to it, of course we are talking about an extended run of bets.