G'day Crash,
Don't know if you have the time{working**** or interest, to check a few meets, non metro, during the week. Starting with your post on neurals have tried: cp3,cf3,tim5,ja5,ta5,jt5,bp0,crs0,wt0{good only****,dist5,$0,dlr0 over 1550 5.
Some interesting results specially with maidens. {only 6 meets****
P.S. Thanks for Jus Cris
P.P.S. PInj 4 neurals:13,1,2,7,15scr,4
Result:7,12[2nd top rate unitab], 1, tri 27k
[ This Message was edited by: boxhead on 2003-12-07 17:25 ]
[ This Message was edited by: boxhead on 2003-12-07 17:46 ]