Thread: Auto Bot Laying
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Old 7th September 2009, 06:33 AM
goty0405 goty0405 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 47

Recovering staking is quite risky, espeically for lay betting.

In the bets listed from yesterday there were 2 consecutive losing bets but it meant the stake had grown from 0.25 to 8.70...matched at 6.60 the total risk was $48.72. If that bet turned out to be a losing one then trouble is brewing...the next lay is over $50 meaning a risk of around $375 based on the average prices matched.

And that's only 3 consecutive losing bets! I'd hate to see 4...

Even a system with a 90% strike rate has a 25% chance of a losing run being 4 bets. That means, in theory, 1 in every 4 losing runs will hit 4.
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