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Old 15th December 2003, 12:40 PM
purpleheart68 purpleheart68 is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 235

Those divvies were absolutely ludicrous given the odds of the placegetters.When and where is the TAB accountable????In QLD.(where I am)both horses were showing upwards of $60win,yet the quin pays $107????In NSW the quin only paid $88???Pourquoi???The tri only paid $3288.70 in NSW.QLD.$6659.90.

Please explain.It is a joke.Let's ask the powers that be in the TAB to declare the size of the actual pool on that particular race,and the number of winning tickets.No bull******** about some punter scooping the pool and eroding the divvies with some phantom mystery trifecta.I have Malcom Knowles book on quinellas in front of me as I write.Quinella odds look up table:50/1 into 50/1;approx expected divvie $1274!!!!Yet both the first and second horse were showing over $60 when they jumped.I think something should be done about this.My mainstream avenue of betting is multiple quinellas,doubles and trifectas.I bet to prices on each combination to take out a certain amount.I would never in my wildest dreams had that combo,but would have been pretty ********ed if I had!!!Can anyone explain this anomaly to me realistically?Can management look into it on an official level for the benefit of all punters??
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