The best systems take about an instant to prove what they really are "a dog taking you for a walk to ATM", dismiss them all and move on to start using the brain.
I did write here a while back, you need about $1000 a month to actually " make a living" i have since been corrected, i am told its around 1200. ( in my own defence, i did set this 1K figure 5 - 10 years ago )
THINK. 25% strike rate, 25% pto, betting saturdays. how many bets you need to have? and what kind of a bank? what prices, and what about the run of outs?..just do the math, backward enginer just the logistics...when you figure your safe realistic position, youll be better off in real estate.
Also as said, a system with 10 rules, if the 10 criteria are met, then it has 100% chance. BUT if it start form barrier 11 not 10, or its 22 days off, not 21..then in chance of winning is ZERO.
forget about anything else common sence should click in at some point.
HEY lets go sci-fi, even with tomorrows newspaper, system followers would still lose if the winners didn't fit the sytem rules.
Recently i went to my local club, the week the NSW tab was having probs and i also had some renovations done to the home, as i was recently getting hammered by claims that i only win because i get inside info and , most now know how i make a living, Tak , from sat to sat (excluding wednesday ) i gave out 25 selections, 17 won, 23 placed...a win 1$ returned just over 38$...lowest winner paid 1.30, highest $3.80.
On the folowing Sunday, i found the whole club, basicly only 3 people followed near all the selections, 1 guy whos sits most afternoons and consumes about half doz beers and has no idea..about anything(actually thought of as not being too bright)...the young guy who was running the tab (whos says he usually doesnt bet) and the manager of the club .....not sure of the factual amounts of all..but the manager said he bet $10 on each and finished with a little over a $100 profit. and wished the tab worked on its website every week.
from many others i heard , i was broke by that race, i dont back horses 1st up , they were to short ...etc etc.
Again, some people could not win, even with tomorrows newpaper.
and as Bozo the canabal said, "this clown really does taste funny."
E. O.O; Dr Plumb did it with whip at the racetrack....absol' fantatical.