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Old 15th October 2009, 10:49 PM
TheSchmile TheSchmile is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 1,051

I've only been using UniTab.

Get on the Betfair train. Or at least grab the best of 3 states from Sportsbet. This will add a bit more spice to your divvies. You do have to bet just before the race with Betfair though, or else get one of the bots which I haven't progressed to yet.

8 weeks in your doing mighty fine!! Keep it up and you'll have just over 200 bets for the year. With your strike rate you could be betting 3-4% of your bank each time and make a very tidy profit throughout the year without stressing out too much.

Best of luck Gnarkley, I like your style.

Two Shoes
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