Thread: is it practicle
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Old 18th December 2003, 06:44 PM
becareful becareful is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Canberra
Posts: 730


I think you were asking whether it would be technically possible for on-course bookmakers to be offering the same prices on-line at the same time?

Technically it is certainly possible - it would not be hard at all to connect the bookmakers at the racecourse (certainly at the metropolitan venues) to the internet and their computers could then offer the same prices online as they are putting on their boards. All you really need to do is have a high-speed connection to the course and then set up a wireless network that all the bookies could hook in to. Then it is just a matter of providing the necessary software.

If you lookie at the site they have a number of "traditional" bookies offering prices on-line. Not sure whether the prices available on-line are the same as on course though.

Of course there may be licencing or legal issues that need to be addressed and I am not an expert on these.
"Computers can do that????" - Homer Simpson
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