Thread: is it practicle
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Old 20th December 2003, 12:41 PM
Posts: n/a

This is another point to ponder, for the purist ( for lack of bettr terms) that wants to have a market that is soley structred puerly by the money on the market coming from the punters and,the logistics of operating the market is *not* centred on decisions based around stocks and shares but puerly the betting and racing fraternity actions from grass roots level.

In other words, when the TAB's had no other intervention whatsoeve,r (except gov,ofcourse)before computers, and before telephones perhaps, THAT is the market lost and probbaly gone forever.
Or, hypotheticaly if it ever re-eventuated, a TAB in eastern states with no other vested interests apart from punters,bookies and all that make up a race meeting and horse race industry, pure and simple.

To have decisons based around share markets, has no real connnection with the horse running out on the field, has it ?

Dreaming huh ?

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