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Old 17th December 2009, 06:33 AM
Horse Racing News Horse Racing News is offline
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Default Apache Cat retired

Apache Cat's glittering career comes to an end after Hong Kong injury

Craig Young
December 17, 2009

Yet another thoroughbred cult hero has retired. The baldy-faced assassin Apache Cat will now be seen at the Legends Farm in Victoria. The striking gelding with four white socks and a blaze was found to have fractured a leg after finishing seventh in Hong Kong's International Sprint last Sunday.

''Hong Kong vets contacted us yesterday and then once it was established what the problem was, the decision was pretty easy to make, despite still being a very hard one," trainer Greg Eurell told Racing Victoria yesterday.

"We were hoping for the best and expecting the worst, but it is a relief more than anything that the horse [will] still be able to come back home and everything will be all right for him in the future.''

Click here to read the full article by Craig Young from The Sydney Morning Herald.

Goodbye to the Cat

Brilliant Apache Cat retired after injury

Apache Cat Retired
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