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Old 30th December 2009, 11:13 AM
Star Star is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 217
Default Ratchet level stakes.

I have been following this site for a number of years and am impressed with the knowledge and effort the majority of the stayers put in.

I often from time to time dabble with system betting, mainly to fill in time, hopefully not do too much damage and try to hang in their for as long as possible until fate takes over and then deals me out of the game.

I have ( invented a little system, that I may have pulled out of somehere ) been playing with a some ideas that appear to be holding up. A twenty dollar bank started in early November prior to the cup is now about the $80 mark I have only been betting $1 a win and have noticed the large number of high priced placings so I decided to bet each way for the last 30 bets, so far the I am about $10 in front on the place and about $50 for the win side.

I appear to be on a high wave as their have been a recent 25/1 winer, 14/1 and numerous ones around the $9 mark. lots of seconds and thirds priced from tens to twenty fives. I am expecting the crash to come soon and dump me on the beach with a bloodied nose and an empty wallet.

I was wondering what you good folk think about the ratchet system where you bet level stakes but move up as a percentage of your bank but do not retreat back down again. say you have factored in a run of outs of 35 to clear you out has this formulae any merit or will the enevitable happen.

Mind you, while i am playing this I am in front because I am not betting anywhere else like exotics or trebles that I would normally do on a week end spending $20 to $30 a week with very few returns lately.

Interested in your thoughts as to how you would stake based on what i have given you.

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