Thread: data... cost?
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Old 15th January 2010, 06:16 AM
Michal Michal is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,007


Obviously you like the analysis capabilities of GTX, but understandingly dont want to pay the price !

Have a look at Bet Selector, there are several different levels, and it has a system creation function, and exports to CSV. Again there are limitation as to what is exported but mostly its all the factors about horses stats overall and all that pertain to todays race and also a lot pertaining to last run. It provides 3 ratings, auto scratchings ......

The form data access is from Best form at $55 per month where you get all races fom all meetings , NZ and HK. Sometimes on Saturday you get 30 meetings ..... so you get EVERYTHING LOL. Too much actually. Alternatively you can use Cyberhorse for imput and their 5 start is around $30 a month and works with Bet Selector almost as well ....... there is less data , less meetings but its sufficient and suitable for beginner.

The entire Betselector database can be accessed via external programs that you ca write yourself even in excel so its easy, unlike TRB which encrypt everything.

hope this helps

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