19th January 2010, 05:51 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,007
As a long time user of Bet Selector , I think that it is a great product, not so much because of what it is, but because of what it allows users to do with only a very minimal programing skils. While the PPM cant be programed into the system selector module, the program also generates a csv data sheet for todays runners, that I think has all the information you need. Further you can always access the data tables themselves, and so have access to the entire database.
I have writen many programs that interface with both the CSV and the database, so it can be done. There are many other beneficial functions. Depending on your needs the fom can be as little as 30 per month for 5 start all TAB meetings to 10 start ALL meetings + NZ + HK + Steward comments for $55 per month. Neales decision of not encripting the databases makes this a great and afordable DYI program which as a result has limitless potential.
PS I have no financial affilition with ****.