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Old 23rd January 2010, 06:45 AM
Michal Michal is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,007

Hi ,

With all due respect to your tests, every time I see someone branding longshots around , the vital piece of info that is alsways missing is the total number of selections that was taken in order to achive those collects.

I am in no way beliteling your efforts, I know how frustrating longshots are first hand, its just my pet peeve that I see the prices thrown around like they come up every second race when infact there are possibilities for 100 runs of out or longer. Which is something that can decimate the constitution of even the most disciplined player.

If you realy want to paint a complete picture , post the losing bets as well. I would say that with the prices collected over the days you show , you would be well infront in the sample !

I wish you well and all the persistance required.

Kind regards,

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