Thread: Lay Anomaly
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Old 31st January 2010, 10:26 AM
michaelg michaelg is offline
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From today I'll only list the selections that are odds-on in Don Scott's market, this should reduce the liability. Yesterday there were 14 selections for 5 accidents which is not a good strike rate for laying, but the total liability was only $4.55. The worst accident paid $2.00 on Unitab. We'll see how it goes.

Today's selections:
Cranbourne R2 no.7
R3 no.6

Grafton R8 no.3

Hobart R4 no.9
R5 no.13

Kyneton R1 no.8

Pinjarra R6 no.2
R8 no.2

Pt Lincoln R2 no.1
R7 no.10
R8 no.4
Sun Coast R1 no.8
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