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Old 2nd February 2010, 03:58 PM
lomaca lomaca is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
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Originally Posted by Surround
I was wondering what thoughts some of you have regarding the value of multipliers (or additions) that are applied to different form factors.
What I'm referring to here is factors applied to say Win - Place - Days since last run - Class shift - Track and Distance record etc. etc.
I recall quite some time ago back when I used to buy Prac Punting magazine they had an article on exactly what I am about here but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere.
I gave up buying PP years ago when I woke up to myself.
They had a name for those factors too but my old brain hasn't retained

The complete answer to your question is that they are all interrelated, ie. you can have a 100% win and place S/R for a nag that never raced outside of a bush picnic meeting, and as soon as it is racing in a classier company it fails.

To give you a simple answer, that actually works in a way, do your selections according to each criteria separately and see how they perform.

let's say win rating is twice as good as any other, then its multiplier is obvious.
Try it.
Good luck
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