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Old 6th March 2010, 02:51 PM
peter m peter m is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 81
Default Beaten lengths and SP prices

I've been trying to learn as much as I can about punting on horses for the last few years, this forum being a great source of knowlege and ideas and as I know there are a lot of knowlegeable people on here I'd like to a question.

In your opinion which is a more reliable indicator of the possible future chances of a horse?

The last three beaten lenghts (just as an example) ie the total sum of them


The last three SP figures.

Do you think the total sum of the last three SP figures is a reliable indicator or maybe just last the last one should be taken into consideration as sometimes the horse in question may have had a bad run, bad luck etc so possibly you could excuse it going of at a long price the next run?

Thanks in advance for any replies

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