8th March 2010, 10:37 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,788
Here's a Lay system I have been looking at on and off but never recorded the results.
1) 8 starters and more.
2) CP and JT neural algorithyms on a setting of 3. All others on zero.
3) Lay selection has the lowest total points.
4) Must not be the selection's first start.
Out of curiousity I've recorded the results for the past three days. There were 81 selections for one accident of $8.10 (NSW TAB). This accident did not have the outright but the equal lowest points, so I took the horse with the lower liability. I could have omitted the race but chose not to do so. There were also some selections at unlayable prices but I've included them in the results.
Now that I've listed the rules the F.Curse will probably throw in a few large accidents.