Thread: Betfair results
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Old 26th March 2010, 09:21 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Crackone, thanks for that, but I gotta tell ya I smile every time I see your username, POMMY humour from way back, hahahh!

Anyway, I'm slowly getting the drift of Betfair, even with the commission, it looks like a 6-8% advantage.

But I've noticed so far, the advantage seems to be on winners ABOVE 3-1 is that fair comment?

The lower end seems to about even stevens with best tote and less than Top fluc, which would make BOB a better product for conveyances at say 3-1 or less?????

Also one has to remember if you are dutching the effect of that 5% is VERY significant, in the sense that say you cover 3 horses then you have already backed 2 losers BUT you are paying 5% on the so called "winnings" eg say you back 3 horses $100 each and get the winner at 2-1, so you "win" $200 and pay $10 comm. you actually only broke even but STILL paid $10 comm.??

Still seems like only betfair is winning to me?

PS. I have some data from Typhoon pools, that shows that the advantage on the lower end. i.e. 3-1 and less is about a 5% advantage over best tote, with no restrictions, no sitting in front of the comp all day etc etc.

Mmmmmmm, more food needed!
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