Thread: Betfair results
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Old 26th March 2010, 09:57 PM
Dennis G Dennis G is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 112

Originally Posted by partypooper

But I've noticed so far, the advantage seems to be on winners ABOVE 3-1 is that fair comment?
The lower end seems to about even stevens with best tote and less than Top fluc, which would make BOB a better product for conveyances at say 3-1 or less?????
That seems about right in my experience although better prices can be had if one can 'read' the ebb and flow of the market.
Originally Posted by partypooper
Also one has to remember if you are dutching the effect of that 5% is VERY significant, in the sense that say you cover 3 horses then you have already backed 2 losers BUT you are paying 5% on the so called "winnings" eg say you back 3 horses $100 each and get the winner at 2-1, so you "win" $200 and pay $10 comm. you actually only broke even but STILL paid $10 comm.??
Umm, if I'm reading that correctly you have outlayed $300 and returned $300 - no commission. Commission is paid on the nett winnings on the race only.
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