11th January 2004, 01:52 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 3
I think what you are saying is that if a race were repeated (rather than rerun) with all the same options taken, the same abilities on the line and the same tactics employed...the same winner would eventuate.
Unfortunatley this is not the case. The reason lies within the horse itself. A horse can build to a peak performance. Most will then fall off this peak at the next run, even in identical circumstances. If however the horse can hold it's peak. It thereby provides a platform to kick from at it's next preperation. Few horse hold more than two peaks in succession. If they do, they will probably find a lot higher peak later in their career.
Maybe if you reran the race in identical circumsatnces with all runners at the same point in their preperations it would be a similar result but this senario can never happen. The runners will be older and a million other variables that can never be recreated will stuff things up.