Thread: Sectional Times
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Old 31st March 2010, 07:37 PM
Pauls123 Pauls123 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 245

hi there Cheekyshiraz,

After much searching and emails etc, they dont seem to be available on any free site, for rosehill that is. All you can access is the results of each race, the overall time of the race, what the last 600 was run in, and the beaten margins for the placegetters only. The spreadsheet I had designed for sectional times had several formulas in it, tells me lots of things. The last addition I made to it, I rehandicapped the field to all carry the minimum weight of the race and observed the change in the results. (got me Alverta on 20 March, dropping from 58kgs to 54.5kgs, paid $20 win). So I've now redesigned another spreadsheet to just cater for rosehill, with the info I have. Then have to rely on watching the replays and also reading the stewards reports, at the same time.

I still dont have a reply from the STC re the solving of the Equitime equipment at that track, so definately not holding my breath on that one.

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