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Old 2nd April 2010, 07:03 AM
michaelg michaelg is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,788

Thorns, here's another one, its a loss-chasing plan.

I've been using it over the past four days with the method shown on the Horse Racing Forum as an accident has been struck on all four days.

I use a factor of 10 but any can be used.

If the accident loses an amount of $100 I then divide the loss by 10 giving a figure of $10. I then add this to my one unit, and the product of both is the amount I lay on the next selection. So if one unit is $5, I have a lay-bet of $15. I do this for the next 10 races, and if there are no accidents then not only would I have recouped the loss of $100 but I would have also won 10 units.

I use a factor of 10 because of the very high success rate (currently 81 from 85 selections since last Sunday).

Many variations of the staking plan can be applied to any method.

Edit - As a matter of interest I had been using this method with limited success laying the faves but when I devised the selection method as shown on the other forum I stopped. However, if the method crashes I will then return to laying the faves.
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