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Old 2nd April 2010, 12:06 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,420

Chrome, Hi and thanks for your post, yes I thought maybe you hadn't been too good, I know about it too, I've got "Bursitis" of the right shoulder, I'm in pain 24x7.

Anyway, Unitab radio tips: yes my research shows babout 25% S/R and the usual 15% LOT. which is as you say about the same as most tipsters.

I'll have a gander at Techform, also I presume you mean IAS fixed prices? and I guess by normalised you mean multiply the prices by the % i.e. 4-1 in a 120% book becomes 4.80-1?? etc etc

I've heard that the opening prices on racing Radio (Turf Talk) are also very accurate, but I'm a bit of an owl I'm afraid and the shows a bit early for me, though I guess it would be fairly easy to record it?
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