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Old 13th January 2004, 03:33 AM
Lenny Lenny is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 50

Hi Crash,
I think what you are discovering [ 're-inventing' as you put it ] and trying to come to terms with above is basically, 'handicapping ' in general. If not, it sounds very much like it [?].

Perhaps - systems are my thing (in regard to punting) and I've always tried to avoid actually looking at the form if possible (click and win is my ultimate goal). In this thread, I am just trying to quantify the variation that exists outside of h'capping's standard parameters, such as BP, fitness, etc. That way I can know that if my software throws up a rating of "40", it may actually mean "36-44", or whatever. In short, I am trying to quatify a horses rating variation, but further, I'm trying to quatify what degree of variation is due to understood variables, and what degree of variation is in the "lap of the gods".

It is interesting Woof mentions standard deviation in his ratings for the dogs. This is exactly my thinking for my ratings of the ponies.

Hi Pickle,

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate the insight.


[ This Message was edited by: Lenny on 2004-01-13 04:44 ]
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