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Old 4th April 2010, 10:20 AM
cheekyshiraz cheekyshiraz is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 34

Originally Posted by lomaca
If you want my par times give me an email addy and I shoot them off to you.
Hi Iomaca

I would love to see the par times you have. I have tried looking for your email but cannot access it. mine is adie @ emeraldideas . net

I will try a few different methods and systems with them to see what i can come up with.

it would be fantastic if there was a software that had a database of all horse racing results over the last 10 year in australia with all the data (barrier no, weight, jockey,track, etc) for each horse in the race with All the times the races were run in. That way if you come up with a new system you can test it on the old races to see what selections would have been chosen and you could see what S/R would have been achieved.

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