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Old 14th January 2004, 04:41 AM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

Hi guys,

Up with the milk cows. You both have the right reasoning working.
You could add no Cup races and rule out all races below Hcp. class as form below this level is often very inconsistent and narrowing down to consistent as possible is the goal to improve favorite SR %.

Don't bet on anything less than a good track. A well worn adage for good reason but often ignored.

Why bother if the goal is to improve the favorite win % ? Problem with even a dead track is knowing the track surface make-up and how it became dead. A quick burst of rain or from a slow overnight drizzle ? Depending on track surface from track to track it can be dead but slippery everywhere, or just here and there or ... ???
A horse with seemingly good 'dead' form will perform differently from one dead track to another and even on tracks it has won on under so called 'dead' [or worse ] condt.

Have a little chat with your local Green Keeper about different soil make-up across Aust. and water precipitation effects. You will never bet on anything worse than 'good' again except for an interest bet [ if you must ]. This 'good only' rule is nit picking I suppose, but not in the context of improving fav. SR.


[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2004-01-15 07:31 ]
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