15th April 2010, 11:07 AM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,418
System, I think Bhags is correct BF SP when (available ) or even the final BF does seem to perform better over time. The BOT is a great product, but does not suit every type of betting i.e. one of my plans involves opening prices, if it fits its a bet regardless of price, though of course I still want to get the best price I can. I might catch up with todays technowlegy in about 5 years , by then it will be obsolete!! hahah! (so will I )
Final word if you are going ahead with the betezy thing remember to still place your bets @city+ (sportsbet) when available, there's an article on the TRB website about the comparisons that you may be interested in. www.trb.com.au