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Old 16th January 2004, 01:44 PM
stebbo stebbo is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Yarra Valley
Posts: 241

Hi Puntz,

I have been a systems/network administrator in the past, and have done all this work for my current company....

I used to use a wonderful piece of software called iproute for my routing and firewall. It ran on a 286 with only a floppy drive and a hercules monitor... it was a dedicated piece of software... It was a very good firewall.... I believe it's no longer available in it's old form, but is available as the basis of a "dedicated firewall"... you can't go past it as far as I'm concerned.

At home, on the M$ platform, I use Sygate Personal Firewall... It is an excellent piece of software, and more than adequate for my home network... It requires almost no knowledge to setup and use, and I haven't been able to break past it's security yet...

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