Thread: Whats the odds?
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Old 24th May 2010, 05:00 PM
Jack Jack is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 43
Default Jack

This incredible run of placings worries me in the sense that if I can get 24 in a row then it must also be possible to get 24 LOSERS in a row isnt it? gripes that would definitly wipe me out"
Iomaca said: Just using the same level stakes. Started out on a % of bank, and found the most profitable top level without destroying odds.

Have you considered perhaps having the best of both worlds by using level stakes unit of one (for example) and when a winner is struck put 50% of the winnings on the next selection and if that wins put 25% on the next selection THEN revert to one unit. Advantage could stand 24 consecutive loosers with much less money outlayed rather than the 1-3-7 or 1-3-8 concept. This should be much safer and be conducive to sleeping better in the evening would be interested to learn the POT using this 1-2-3-1 step. Over to you for consideration.
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