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Old 24th June 2010, 09:49 PM
Dennis G Dennis G is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 112

Originally Posted by wise one
I have a xcel spreedsheet that I got a few years back from someone in this forum ( my apoligies for not remembering who ) This works on the Unitab site, but because they have change the layout of the second page it does not collect the data from there. ( you need to have a untab acct to get the detailed form history that this picks up ) So if someone out there can fix this and return it to me I would be very grateful.

This will not only collect data for todays races but for last month and the the 2 previous years.

In the options tab at the top click on "enable content"
Click in the purple and yellow boxes selecting "day, month , year , track "
Leave on race 01
If you want just 1 day click on the "get data day " and watch the numbers in race number move.
If you want raw data without scratching removed click on the "data" at the bottom and you can copy and paste
If you want the scratching removed click on the "blue" tab
If you want a whole month click on "get data month" tab it will however remove scratching automatically once it has collected the data
Once again is some can correct this so it collects the data of the last 3 race results it would be muchly appreciated

Wise One
Just a heads up.....

I had a look at this one just the other day and noticed a couple of anomalies in its output. I discovered that the places (ie 1st, 2nd, 3rd) in some races were mispresented. Most of these anomalies seemed to occur in Bris/Syd/Melb races 7/8/9. Upon investigation I found that the races affected were those that UniTAB had declared a 'Jackpot' on; eg Quadrellas, Quinellas etc.

It seems that the code was reading the extra data line placed above the results box in these races and, hence, did not apply a first position, but did assign 2nd to the winner and 3rd to the runner up.

Anyone who has used this SS for UniTAB downloads should be aware that your data may be not exactly correct...

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