Thread: Years ago....
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Old 26th June 2010, 12:21 PM
darkydog2002 darkydog2002 is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 4,330
Smile Years ago....

We used to get selections from a bloke called George Masters (fell off the perch and a pity too)
What we used to do was take any selection (in 10 horse races) that were priced between 11/2 - 10/1 and trained by 1 of the top 5 trainers and ridden by 1 of the top 5 jockeys ( as per Best Bets ) TO WIN with F X F to run 2nd/3rd cost $72.
There was hardly a week where we weren,t taking home on a Saturday between $1000 and $1500.(And this was 1995.)
I wonder whether one could do the same with Michaelg R+S coupled with the UNITAB tipsters or Ratings.
Just food for thought.?
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