Thread: 3 Horse plan
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Old 26th January 2004, 03:41 PM
good 4th good 4th is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 155

Hi Bhagwan
I Did look at your rules and i was'nt trying to point you wrong as you are very correct in your research, I was just pointing out if you try and back all the tipsters and radio tab tips you lose in the long run.
But here's another angle instead of backing the first tip selection back the last two on both tipsters and radio tab some good days and some well not so good days..

I think if we all try together maybe something might work as a long term thing. I have been looking at theses tips for so long.. So close but still so faraway you would think there is some common thread amongst all this but its so random and unsure.

Hey Kenchar, if i can end up .1 infront with out lossing my shirt at the end of the day I would be rich & it would be just a matter of investing more?

[ This Message was edited by: good 4th on 2004-01-26 16:49 ]

[ This Message was edited by: good 4th on 2004-01-26 17:04 ]
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