Thread: Idea
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Old 30th January 2004, 11:47 AM
michaelv michaelv is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Sydney
Posts: 43

Hi Chrome Prince,
This is an interesting concept and I used something similar quite a few years ago (6 I think) on the gallops where you backed the Fav starting at race once (for each meeting)and continued until you got a winner at which time you'd achieve your target and stop for the day. However, I didn't have a STOP break in it and subsequently lost the whole bank when I struck a non-fav day after about 3 months of continuous winning days. I thought I'd found 'IT' until it crashed heavily on me.

So this 'stopping if a winner does not come within a certain number of bets ' is quite necessary (and I don't know why I didn't even think of it back then - guess I was getting carried away with winning all the time and felt it didn't need it).

The results for 'stopping at 2' obviously helps but what does 3 or 4 do to the results?

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