1st February 2004, 02:31 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 13
To Sportz and Jimmy,
Going by Sportz's outside barrier specials, and Jimmys December figures for his inside barrier system, they both average around 30 points a year. ( Jimmys December figures are up 2.8 points. So 2.8 x 12 = 33.6 points in 12 months. This is very rough as there are 52 weeks in a year and anything can happen ,but it does include his first 2 bets of Dec. that were unplaced)
I you had a bank of $10000 and you used 1% of that for each bet ,on a level stakes approach by the end of a year you should have about $13000. Not bad at all and better than the banks. If you use 2% of your bank you would have $16000 at the and of a year and so on. The question is what is safe, 1% half a percent , 2% or maybe even 5% ? ( I dont know)
What about a staking plan?
Sportz, does the outside barrier system perform ok during winter?