Thread: Elusive SP
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Old 9th September 2010, 03:41 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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G'day Try, yes what I was getting at (expediently) was some posts where a system rule might say............. e.g.Tab no 1, LSW, Top rated, and less than 2-1. (STRESS EG. ONLY)

The last bit there is a can of worms, I mean 2-1 where? if its SP you can't pin it down, if its Tote, which tote? and when? 2 mins b4 the off, 1 min, 30 seconds,
5 seconds when?

You see what I mean when is it a bet? to work a system out based on SP is just begging for it as the criteria didn't exist b4 the race!
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