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Old 16th September 2010, 03:26 PM
Bonecrusher Bonecrusher is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 21
Post Dishlicker Class Bets

I'm a great believer in consistency and betting on animals that show they are already in form. With the greyhounds, you have one less variable to worry about - no jockeys!

This is a system I had some joy with back in the 90's (I still remember when the Melb dogs were run at Olympic Park!!) and haven't looked at again for almost 15 years, so I'm sure the Forum Curse will run hot on this one, but, I'll do the selections anyway and keep a running total. Make up your own mind from there. I'll be using the newspaper Prepost Pricing as I don't have access to an online service.

This system is a full week's worth of action, played at any track in AUS, day or night, and considers only pre-post odds so can be run over a field any day or night, the selections determined, bets placed, and the forgotten about until the next day (the way I like to play it). Or you could be at the track or on your PC and chasing best odds right up until they sprint. Doesn't matter.

Note: Practical Punting Magazine (Blackwell, Jon Hudson, The Optimist, Don Scott, and my Dad) were the guys who gave me every single idea I ever had about punting. Nothing I run is 'original' to me - even the tweaks are other people's original ideas I've incorporated. About the only thing I did different was run these two methods together for more consistent overall profits.

So let's have some fun with the Dishlickers!

  1. Consider the first 2-3 Favs if all under 4/1 in prepost only.
  2. If last 2 runs add up to 4 or less, the mutt is a selection.
  3. Must be running in either Box 1, 2 or 8. You can ratchet down the action if you want by considering only one certain box (1,2 or 8) as you see fit.
  4. If more than 1 selection, pick lowest box number (ie. 1 before 2) only.
  5. Bet to win only
You'll probably need to average prices at 9/4 or better to make this one pay (a great advantage of being at the bookies back in the day). If you can, level stakes profits are (or were) achievable.

Good luck.
Heart of a champion..
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