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Old 6th February 2004, 09:36 PM
stebbo stebbo is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Yarra Valley
Posts: 241

Hello Neil,

can you please how this happens???? In a recent post in this thread I typed

s p o r t i n g b e t offer MaxiDiv (almost the same as IAS DiviPlus) on ALL races ALL days.....

and lo and behold, what appears, immediately, is

edited offer MaxiDiv (almost the same as IAS DiviPlus) on ALL races ALL days.....

nowhere near enough time for human interaction.....

I know you have a deal with a specific bookie, but..........

While we're at it... Can you please advise if the bookie that you recommend has
1) Internet access?
2) A product similar to MaxiDiv / DiviPlus?

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