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Old 6th October 2010, 07:09 AM
syllabus23 syllabus23 is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: newcastle nsw
Posts: 436

Party your ongoing vendetta with Betfair seems a bit odd when you consider that BF are quite open with regard to comparative prices.

It's simply a matter of opening the BAT and looking at the "Overview" section and they will give you their prices in comparison with NSW/tab-S/tab and Unitab.

For example yesterday (Tuesday) there were 22 races with Betfair having an advantage over all three tabs in only 6 races.They consistently had an advantage over one or two of the three tabs throughout the program.

The strength of Betfair is not with the SP,unless for some strange reason you enjoy taking unders.

eg.Yesterday in the 6th at Goulburn ,,Kings Council,, closed at...........
B/F $4-20
NSW $3-80
S/tab $3-90
Uni $4-10
Yet during the course of the betting $5-40 was available with Betfair.

I dont have an axe to grind with any betting organisation,nor am I being paid to either promote or denigrate any of them. I have to say that after being fleeced by various state government tabs over many years and trying several off course bookmakers that Betfair has brought a breath of fresh air to off course punting.

But if you don't like them,the simple solution is to go elswhere
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