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Old 7th October 2010, 11:40 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
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Syallbus, sorry if you missed the twist, my original post was a comparison overall of BFSP (on its own) v BOB or best tote as available at the lower end of the market, namely opening favs. my research shows very little difference and in fact a slight advantage best tote after commissions are taken into account. This contradicts claims that BF has 20% better odds, now it might have 20% better odds v individual totes when you take ALL results into consideration but not when you compare it to the BOB or Best tote (as available) especially at the lower end.

Now, when it comes to betting @ BF SP but stipulating a minimum price that you will accept, that's a different story. e.g. say you want $100 on a nag but your minimum price you state at say $3, ok you might get more than that but if the max available is $2.90c, then its a no bet and you get your money back, (just explaining that for those that don't know it's available) as you can place your bet b4 racing and know that you will either be on at value or get your money back I consider that an excellent product.

So sorry, I don't think I'm contradicting myself there??

And Stugs, again I don't agree, WHEN they close your account then best tote is not available at that point, in the meantime it is available, so I say its a different argument ;still.
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