19th October 2010, 06:10 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,601
Mr Barry,
If you past 1000 bets on this method years ago then I have to aska a few things.
1. Why aren't you rich already?
2.What is your base bet? If you are not using level stakes you truely are not betting at any decent money. You can't run any loss chasing plan with more then maybe a $2 base bet.
If you want credibility then do something like "Arakaan'sSearch For Money" or "TheAnalyser tries Laying". Both threads from a different forum (sorry) but they provide detailed profit loss figures every day and post all their selections before the race with no statements like "I won't be taking all of them". If you don't have a rule before the race on whether the selection is being taken then its worth crap posting it. I could just provide a list of all favs here and say "I won't be taking all of them" and then only count the winners.
By all means provide the selections, the rules on which horses should be backed if its based on price and the staking method and then you will be given credit where credit is due (if it shows a profit). No one can learn anything from you if you don't provide these things.