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Old 20th October 2010, 07:07 PM
darkydog2002 darkydog2002 is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 4,330

What I,m saying is have REALISTIC expectations of what can be achieved on the punt.
In my earlier example of a $9825 TO /Profit $266 is 2.7 % on TO
The late Ian Barnes said He,d be ecstatic with a POT of 4 % but was never able to achieve that long term.
The Late Don Scott achieved 5 % longterm but in his day he was the very best.
Re Barry .He may have animosity towards me because after 44 years I know whats real and he cant yet accept that.He will in time I,m sure.
I,m sorry if I,ve burst his bubble but he,s not just the only one who reads this post and better to know now than be constantly striving to achieve the impossible.
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