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Old 26th October 2010, 08:52 PM
darkydog2002 darkydog2002 is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 4,330

As this one is based on very sound principles it should hold its own .

Personally though i much prefer profiling the horses at 55 kg + in good betting races.i.e Price wise.

Far from being a struggling punter I retired from the punt at age 45

Dont infer that because I post a total bit of nonsense occasionally i know nothing about horse racing.Just having a bit of fun and we,re all entitled to that.

Re systems. I used to swap a few and acquired over 600 .None would be worth the paper they,re printed on except for a few that were acquired privately.
As a very well known investor once told me .Any method of horse handicapping should be based around ratings and the 2 best sevices both free that I found were R+S and unitab.
Nowadays its more a intellectual pursuit rather than taking anything too seriously.
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